Advantage and dis-advantage of Twitter

Everything that exists in our world has both an advantage and disadvantage. Like for example, if we own a restaurant business with many competitors around you, there’s always an advantage and disadvantage. When we’re talking about advantage, it is how we determine what we have that others might not have. On the other hand, if we’re talking about disadvantage, we may determine what we don’t have those others might have. This is something we must do in order to achieve that kind of advantage. Same thing goes to social networks like Friendster, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. All of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. But right now we’re focusing on Twitter, and we may now determine what advantages and disadvantages does this unique social networking site have?

Advantages – Twitter is easy to use. In registration, it will only take you less than a minute to join, and no confirmation e-mail needed. You can create as many accounts as you want. Followers are considered friends. Once they follow you through your tweets, you can follow them back and immediately considered you as a friend. Message boards or “tweets” itself can be viewable in public whether you’re friends or not, and you may include your URL as well which is clickable. Twitter also has unique profile templates, which can be created through HTML mode or purchase it through legitimate dealers in different auction sites related to templates.

Disadvantages – Twitter is truly a social networking or social media, but there are many limitations. Twitter has no applications rather than other sites like Facebook, Friendster and MySpace. It also has no groups, videos, blogs, classified ads, forums, marketplace and other unique and popular social networking menus. You can only upload one picture, which is your avatar and must be small, compare to other social networks which you can upload pictures as many as you want. You also cannot upload music files here on Twitter, but you can upload on the other social networks.

This is where we determine the true strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of making Twitter as your favorite social network or media. Even though it has many limits, Twitter is still growing faster, over and over again. The main purpose only for Twitter is to post anything which they only ask you one thing, “What are you doing?” You have the freedom to post anything on Twitter, but not abusive types which may lead you to bad feedbacks from the other followers and members.